tiger carnival

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fc2 blog

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my little links page! here you'll find my bookmarks & some cool sites i've found before and after discovering neocities! have fun looking around..! below you'll find links to much of the graphics i use around my site as well. if you're curious about something specific let me know! | ||

entrance image by ryoko kui
gifs on homepage by me, about me img by me




will sort these later
yume nikki fangame archive
magician's quest wiki

the shadowlands: oldest paranormal website
cameron's world

html cheatsheet
web design museum
toonami aftermath
wiby.me: search engine for personal websites
vimm's lair: rom and emulator archive
itch.io: indie games and tools, LOTS of stuff!

cursor switch
AAchan: more ascii
web desktops: websites made to look like OSes
construct your css
RV's free JS/DHTML effects
CSS hover effects: for buttons, links, etc
death gen: generate text from old school videogames
rarebit: open-source webcomic template
ascii-art.de: collection of ascii art
den of angels: largest (en) BJD forum
mateken search: sozai & web material catalog
sozai no mori: another sozai catalog
textures.com: digital materials/objects/textures
roamheart: furcadia patch database
sai thumbs: wunkolo's paint tool sai thumbnail extension
skinskool: discover & compare skin/haircare by ingredients and formulation
yamanoki's mabinogi skill guide: comprehensive guide to mabinogi skills
eyeleo: eye breaks + exercises for the pc.
f.lux: change color display for eye strain, over time